Allen’s Iron Booster Capsules are very effective in treating anaemia, reduce fatigue, and boost haemoglobin content in the body. Comes with Vitamin B12, Vit D3, Vit C and Folic acid. 21mg Health supplement for all ages._x000D_\n_x000D_\nIndications: Treats anemic consitions of the body, improves energy levels_x000D_\n_x000D_\nKey Benefits of Allen Nutraceuticals Iron Booster_x000D_\n
_x000D_\n - Treats Anaemia
_x000D_\nIron is helpful for treating anaemia, one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world. Anaemia results when haemoglobin is below normal ranges. Symptoms of anaemia include fatigue, dizziness, fast heart rate, and malaise, or an overall feeling of sickness and weakness._x000D_\n
_x000D_\n - Boosts Haemoglobin
_x000D_\nThe chief function of iron is to form haemoglobin, a red protein whose main purpose is to transport oxygen in the blood. Additional haemoglobin is important because humans lose blood in many ways, especially from injuries. Women lose blood every month during their menstrual cycles, which is one of the most common reasons women may be more likely to suffer from anaemia._x000D_\n
_x000D_\n - Reduces Fatigue
_x000D_\nIron may help manage unexplained fatigue, which can affect both men and women. Even in someone who isn’t anaemic, low iron can still reduce energy levels. This is especially common in women during their reproductive years. Iron-rich foods and supplements can help raise iron levels and eliminate feelings of tiredness and exhaustion.