Indicated symptoms of Allen Uricacid Drops_x000D_\n_x000D_\nJoint redness, swollen joints, joint pain, and warmth of the joint._x000D_\n_x000D_\nUrinary complaints with uric acid, renal stones._x000D_\n_x000D_\nUses of Allen Uricacid Drops_x000D_\n_x000D_\nA good remedy in cases where there is an excess of uric acid. In extreme and nauseating backache, Incontinence of urine._x000D_\n_x000D_\nUrine contains uric acid. Multiple Joint pains in feet and lower part of legs._x000D_\n_x000D_\nfor both acute and chronic gout. It is a diuretic and liver and kidney drainer and can dissolve stones of uric makeup._x000D_\n_x000D_\nUric acid deposits in urine, redness, pain and Inflammation of joints._x000D_\n_x000D_\nChronic gout, with chalky deposits in joints. Profuse sweat of the feet. Pain in heel, drawing and tearing pains in limbs.