Bakson B67 Shingles Drops (30ml)
₹155.00 ₹160.00
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Relieve Herpes, Burning & Tingling Pains, Itching Vesicles, Skin rash_x000D_\n_x000D_\nDr Bakshi Baksons B67 Shingles Drops_x000D_\n_x000D_\nHerpes zoster is a painful, blistering skin eruption. Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a viral disease characterized by a painful skin rash with blisters in a localized area. The earliest symptoms of shingles, which include headache, fever, and malaise. Pain can be mild to extreme._x000D_\n_x000D_\nIndication of B67 Shingles Drops_x000D_\n_x000D_\nShingles With Burning & Tingling Pain_x000D_\n_x000D_\nOther Indications of B67 Shingles Drops_x000D_\n_x000D_\nRelieves Burning pains, Itching around the skin rashes._x000D_\n_x000D_\nTingling and numbness sensation is relieved._x000D_\n_x000D_\nAction of Ingredients used in B67 Shingles Drops_x000D_\n_x000D_\nCroton tig.6x:Â Pustular eruption, especially on face with itching which is painful, with fearful itching, followed by painful burning. Vesicular erysipelas, itching exceedingly. Herpes zoster; stinging, smarting pains of the eruption.