Medisynth Soriafit Drops (30ml)
₹130.00 ₹140.00
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Relieves Itching, Redness, Dry Eczema, Psoriasis, Cracked and Flaky Skin_x000D_\n_x000D_\nAbout Soriafit Drops_x000D_\n_x000D_\nSoriafit effectively helpful in psoriasis in both acute and chronic conditions. It also helps to relieve inflammation. Controls itching & burning. Effective in redness, dryness & scaling of skin. Checks relapse & recurrence._x000D_\n_x000D_\nComposition of Soriafit Drops_x000D_\n_x000D_\nArsenicum Album 200:Â Â Skin dry as parchment, yellowish colour of the skin, Hot itching and violent burning in the skin._x000D_\n_x000D_\nBorax 200:Â Unhealthy skin; slight injuries suppurate, itching and stinging. Psoriasis._x000D_\n_x000D_\nKali Arsenicum 200: Psoriasis in numerous patches is relieved by Kali Arsenicosum._x000D_\n_x000D_\nPsorinum 200:Â Â Intolerable itching. Herpetic eruptions, especially on scalp and bends of joints with itching; worse, from warmth of bed.