Willmar Schwabe India Rhododendron Chrysanthum 1x (q) (30ml)
₹190.00 ₹195.00
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Rhododendron chrysanthum(Mother Tincture)_x000D_\n_x000D_\nThe tincture is prepared from the fresh leaves._x000D_\n_x000D_\nCommon Name: Rhododendron ferrugineum, Siberian Rhododendron, Alpine rose, Yellow Snow-rose, Rhododendron._x000D_\n_x000D_\nCauses & Symptoms for Rhododendron chrysanthum_x000D_\n_x000D_\nRhododendron is used to remove the weariness and pains from the limbs after fatiguing, exhaustive activity of the limbs._x000D_\n_x000D_\nThe action of Rhododendron is eminently upon the fibrous and serous tissues, chiefly the forearm and hand and the leg and foot in the bone or periosteum._x000D_\n_x000D_\nGouty pains well during the summer, but suffered intensely during winter._x000D_\n_x000D_\nPain as from contusion or blows in the occiput, Pains go from within outward._x000D_\n_x000D_\nSleeplessness after midnight. Frequent remission of sufferings, and appearance of them generally in morning._x000D_\n_x000D_\nMind and Head_x000D_\n_x000D_\nRhododendron is useful in confusion of the head in the early morning, great indifference, with aversion to all occupation._x000D_\n_x000D_\nThe pressing pain in the forehead and temporal region, extending into the bones is resolved with Rhododendron._x000D_\n_x000D_\nItching of the scalp in the evening._x000D_\n_x000D_\nEyes, ear, nose_x000D_\n_x000D_\nThe dry burning of the eyes, darting pains through eyes from head, worse before a storm. Swollen lids which become easily red indicates Rhododendron._x000D_\n_x000D_\nContinued buzzing in ears, feeling as if water rushing into them. Continued dull humming in ear._x000D_\n_x000D_\nObstruction of the nose, especially back in the left side of the nose, sometimes alternating with sides indicates Rhododendron._x000D_\n_x000D_\nMouth and Throat_x000D_\n_x000D_\nVesicles on the lips with pains as from excoriation when eating._x000D_\n_x000D_\nSmarting vesicles under tongue, constriction and burning sensation in throat is relieved with Rhododendron._x000D_\n_x000D_\nSwelling and pain as from excoriation between lower gums and cheek indicates Rhododendron._x000D_\n_x000D_\nToothache with drawing tearing in molars, in cold, damp weather indicates Rhododendron._x000D_\n_x000D_\nStomach and abdomen_x000D_\n_x000D_\nPressive shooting pains in the pit of stomach and hypochondria._x000D_\n_x000D_\nVomiting of green, bitter substances indicates Rhododendron. Vomiting after anything fluid, especially cold water._x000D_\n_x000D_\nHeaviness in stomach at night, or after drinking cold water indicates Rhododendron._x000D_\n_x000D_\nDistension of abdomen with fullness causing difficulty in breathing is characteristic of this remedy._x000D_\n_x000D_\nShootings in spleen on walking quickly._x000D_\n_x000D_\nStool and Anus_x000D_\n_x000D_\nDifficult evacuation, even of soft faeces is resolved with Rhododendron._x000D_\n_x000D_\nPains in rectum extend to genitals, and the male generative organs experience the most intense action._x000D_\n_x000D_\nShooting pain in rectum extending to just below ribs with crawling in anus as from ascarides._x000D_\n_x000D_\nUrinary complaints_x000D_\n_x000D_\nTwitching and stitches at urethral orifice while passing the urine is resolved with Rhododendron._x000D_\n_x000D_\nMale complaints_x000D_\n_x000D_\nInduration and swelling of the testicle, soreness between the genitals and the thighs; swollen and hard testes indicates_x000D_\n_x000D_\nChronic enlargements, indurations of the testes, hydrocele._x000D_\n_x000D_\nThe pains are worse by touch, worse sitting, indicates Rhododendron._x000D_\n_x000D_\nFemale complaints_x000D_\n_x000D_\nOvarian pain with Right sided cysts are resolved with Rhododendron_x000D_\n_x000D_\nMenses are too early and too profuse._x000D_\n_x000D_\nNeck and Back_x000D_\n_x000D_\nStiffness of cervical region, pain in sacrum, becoming intolerable on stooping._x000D_\n_x000D_\nRhododendron is useful in stiff-neck, gums and teeth sore, pains fly about everywhere.